Monday, February 18, 2008

Highly Contagious

Why are people so prone to get caught up in Life's traps?
I hate that we are so easily satisfied sometimes. We fall into a meaningless routine and then believe that that is all there is. A routine that we feel we can't break.

We don't see that there's a way out. But worse than that, we don't view every moment as sacred. And they are. While you're sitting at the bus stop that moment is sacred, while you're eating supper that moment is scared, while you're on a mountain top gazing at creation that moment, too, is sacred. But we don't see it that way.

Every moment is sacred. And when I say "sacred" you're instantly going to think this has religious connotations. Which is true to an extent. But it also implies value. Each moment is equally as valuable as the last and if we would start seeing life in this way maybe the quality of our life would improve. Maybe we would treat others better or we would make more use of our time. Maybe we would make more of a difference.

Every moment in life is important. There is no "everyday."

1 comment:

talley said...

concerning titles, you're welcome!