Monday, June 23, 2008

Obvious Now

I have to stop.
Hwy 28 on a bright, rainy Summer's afternoon.
Torrential downpour and the world is blurred.
Arms stretched out.
What is meant to be will be.
Complete acceptance.
Life goes on, I hear.

Oh, if only I knew then what's so obvious now...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It’s driving south on 85 with the windows rolled down singing as loudly as I can muster.

It’s wearing button-ups every day. Dialing long distance to places I’ve never been.

It’s coffee from a mug portraying a college I have never heard of.

It’s the taste of the occasional stick of mint mojito.

It’s applying chapstick every 4 seconds. It's a reminder.

It’s ocean energy, Irish spring, and dove. It’s a NCC t-shirt and the feeling of comfort.

It’s swimming at night and the accompanying silver moonlight.

It’s 2:00 am coffee, Coldplay, and a sketchbook. A true artist.

It’s checking that box everyday and the hope that goes along with it.

It’s Fritz Pearls, Psychoanalysis, and the joys of counseling psychology.

It’s everyday silent understanding. It’s compassion.

It’s night drives in a white Lumina. It’s cul-de-sacs. Memories.

It’s seeing all these moments as beautiful.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Today Was Pristine and Yellow

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "What does that even mean??" Well, it means today was pure. Today was real.

I often say that people would be more content and happy with their lives if they simply sought the value in things. If they sought the value in the everyday. Which brings me to my next point...

Life requires passion.

It's because passion is buried deep inside all of us. Passion is, indeed, the origin of all of our shining moments. Yet, consequentially, passion also prevents us from truly knowing peace. But what is life with no passion? I try and think of my own life in the absence of passion and all I am is a shell of who I really am.

For this reason, it's the things that drive us that matter most.
It's the complexities and even the emotion. It's the passion.