Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Growing up my hopes and dreams as a kid were constantly changing. I guess I was similar to other kids my age in this respect. I remember being in first grade and having "Kid Career Day." For those of you not blessed enough to have had this in elementary school, this is where everybody in class comes to school dressed like what they want to be when they grow up. I remember coming to school dressed in a little suit and tie (clip-on, of course) and telling everyone that I wanted to be a lawyer.

A few years later, in fifth grade, I got into reading about evolution vs. Creationism (I know, what fifth grader reads about those things for fun?) and then deciding that I was destined to be a world renowned paleontologist. I would be travel the world with my wife and unearth major discoveries. Sadly, this dream was short lived because my mom quickly informed me that eventually all the fossils will be found and I would end up working in some museum somewhere or writing college textbooks at home in my pajamas. Regardless, my dream was killed and for the longest time I took no stance whatsoever on what my career would be.

I remember my sophomore year of high school when a man I really looked up to and respected spoke these words, "You'll make a great psychologist one day." I don't know if he realized at the time the impact these words would have upon my life (The Butterfly Effect) because I know at the time I thought it was one of the craziest things I'd heard. It's funny how things turn out...

God's call is still one of the most amazing things to me... It's something He slowly reveals to you over time and it's not something you can really run from.

Now here I am, 4.5 years later and president of the psychology club at Anderson University.

I have never felt more fulfilled.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Just when you think you understand life, life throws you a curve ball.
No matter how long you've lived or how many different things you've gone through, you can never understand life.

It's funny like that...

A lot of people will tell you that the purpose of college is academia. That isn't so. College is about life. College is more than books and exams. College is experience. Everyone learns different things from their college experience. The growth that occurs in a person during those years (whether they be 4 or 5) is irreplaceable and there is no set order of operations.